Did you miss DigiMarCon EAST 2015?
Here are key takeaways from recent conferences you need to know.
Digital marketing has given us some clarity with measurement but those are all vanity metrics. We are driving traffic but is that actually turning to revenue and measureable results? Don’t just put wind in the sails, help guide the ship.
Digging in to inbound marketing. Detail how you are spending your time. What should you focus on this quarter and in future quarters? Use provided worksheets to determine personas and campaign strategy. Work to match your buyer stage and persona with your content accordingly.
Engage with your audience and build relationships that are not just one way. Create a continuous stream of useful helpful targeted content. This will lead to a reliable reach and create a proprietary audience. Rich content doesn’t come from LinkedIn Updates or Tweets. The real opportunity for vast reach and to build authority is with Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts. Create content that is RITE: Relevant Interesting Timely and Entertaining. Provide an original viewpoint and be human. Don’t worry about searching for a target audience, allow it to find you.
Six questions that lead you to content marketing strategy
1. Can you answer this question? “Only we …” What makes you different? Why do people love you and keep coming back? Who are our customers?
2. Can our culture nurture and sustain a social media transformation? This has to come from the top. They have to understand and support it.
3. Are we a conversational brand? Or could we be …
4. What are our competitors doing? Where are our customers getting their information? Talk to customers look for unmet needs
5. What is our source of rich content? The opportunity for vast reach and to build authority isn’t from Tweets or LinkedIn updates. You need something bigger like a Blog, Videos, and Podcasts. There is a relationship between time required to create and the audience ownership level.
6. What does success look like? Build an audience. Twitter, LinkedIn, Other Blogs. Stick to a schedule. Become a blogger not a writer.
5 steps to scintillating blogging content.
1. Compelling headline (catchy, descriptive accurate, contains keyword, tweetable – short, lists)
2. Original Viewpoint. Gain confidence by: limit the time you work on a post. 500 word essay – one page double spaced. Write for yourself. Take advantage of coaching. Instead of searching for a target audience, allow it to find you. As you create content, put a stake in the ground but don’t obsess with niche. You will get feedback that guides you.
Aaron shared his journey of starting Search Experiences and how he came up with the idea of DigiMarCon Conferences. The marketing technology landscape has changed drastically from 150 in 2011 to nearly 1900 companies today. Search Experiences has found opportunities to innovate in search and pioneered a Branded Search Solution.
Today we need a strategy to store and manage stocks of files.
Free data tools available and a scientific approach to writing content.
In sales, if I can get there first, I have a 1:3 to 1:2 chance of getting that business. We must adopt new technologies that allow us to redefine getting there first and provide the opportunity to influence their expectation.
Five years from now what will digital marketing look like? Today, data that doesn’t have email has little or no value. Similarly, moving forward, data not linked to social profiles will have almost no value.
Mobile is not an option. It isn’t just about content consumption it is becoming the remote control to the physical space. Build trust by getting permission and delivering value. We have so much content and data that we need to think more about algorithms and smarter content.
Rethink how you approach website design. Consider applying growth driven design which will minimize the risk and allow you to continuously learn and improve.
There is a ton of great data out there. Predictive Intelligence is based on the foundation of data. Intent data can be both inferred and direct. The key to this revolution is how you leverage it. Make sure that sales and marketing are aligned. Integrate the data into CRM systems. Create alerts and reports and automatic emails to sales.
Intent Data
How do you establish yourself as an authority? Brands have to become publishers. Perhaps the whole goal is to “own the conversation” around something related to what you’re selling. The most effective strategy involves dismissing the intermediaries and owning the audience yourself. Don’t interrupt them with content they don’t want. Engage them with valuable content that intersects the needs of the brand and the audience. Encourage them to share your contagious brand stories.
Facebook is where your parents are so it tends to be used less with Millennials. Instagram is a place for the best picture of the night. Snapchat is used for a behind the scenes look and is very good for sharing the inside story before and after an event. It allows for hyper engagement, and people who use it regularly are creating content constantly. At its core, Snapchat is a messaging app for one to one engagement and it feels different than other social platforms.
Use it to give insight into the backend of your company. Share, create and tell amazing stories. Stories feature. Tap feature to get to go to the next 10 s view.
The Voice snapped fans back individually with special valentine’s message from their voice valentine.
Adam and Kevin have presented on Snapchat to CMO’s, social and digital strategists at the world’s leading brands, agencies and studios.
There is no more B2B or B2C it is H2H, human to human. When you share an emotion, on the whole people will be reciprocal with the same emotion on the way back. That provides an opportunity to guide them. Video is one of the most compelling uses of marketing. Storytelling and different emotions can be told in short form with lasting impression. Being human is your competitive advantage. Embrace inner Focker moments.
We’ve always lived in a world where we could keep consuming more. How much can we consume? How do we maintain this mindshare with the connections we’ve worked so hard for? You have to be first and you have to be overwhelming. Find an unsaturated niche, create an aggressive strategy based on key words, and nurture an audience that ignites. As technology changes and becomes more mobile, we will have more options of bringing the audience into our world however we want. What does this mean to content, storytelling, and engagement with people? A new frontier will provide marketers without boundaries.
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